Welcome to East Texas

Travel the country roads of East Texas with us!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Project

Enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend around
our house (which is for sale). That means
there is always something that needs doing.

If you are looking for a ground cover, you should
look into Grape Ivy. It is planted in just a pot
out in the flowerbed, but as you can see it has
taken over. That makes it a great ground cover!

After a normal weekend of cleaning up around the house,
taking calls and showing property, we used Saturday
morning and Sunday morning to give the storage
barn a new lease on life. After power washing,
the old paint was just about naked, so I think the
old girl really enjoyed this first coat of
"Red Hot" barn paint! She will need a
2nd coat, but looks much better after the first
one. A little rebuilding on the doors and a 2nd
coat, and she will look great again!

Even the leaves were painted
in this "red for all" weekend!

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