Welcome to East Texas

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

April in Edom-April 17, 2010

Entry April 22, 2010

We wandered around this weekend (taking our own advice)
and went Saturday morning
to the April in Edom Festival. There
was to be rain later in the day, but the morning was

sunshiny and bright. Edom is a great little community
(referred to as "artsy"). There
were lots of arts and crafts
available, music, good food and just a good time.
The best
part was driving along the highways and
enjoying the azaleas blooming plus fields of

Indian Paint Brushes. It is a great time to be
out and about. Here are some

pictures of our adventures.

The flower shop at Edom during April in Edom

Be sure to drop by the Rockin' Robin Ice Cream Shop for great
ice cream anytime you are in Edom!

Views from the April in Edom Festival April 17, 2010

Great flower views along the way there and back to Canton!

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