Welcome to East Texas

Travel the country roads of East Texas with us!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day to all our
Friends and Family!
There is no country in the world
which can match the United
States for Freedom and the
Pursuit of Happiness!

We give thanks for every man and woman
serving in the military, protecting
our way of life, and especially
for those who made the ultimate
sacrifice for their country!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Doggies play at the pond

Continuing the joys at the pond over the weekend with the
doggies and their favorite babysitter, the downed tree...

Downed tree, alias babysitter

Brat stalks tree

Brat sniffs tree to see if she wants to attack

Brat attacks tree

Tree attempts to eat Brat

Doozie at the Pond


Doozie bored with the tree, moves on

Brat (Bratwurst Von Lick'um Steins) is the alpha dog,
hyperactive and inquisitive. Doozie (Shepherd and
Catahoula) is the quiet 2nd child, strong, fast, but
timid and terribly afraid of storms

Beautiful aquatic flowers at end of pond

Pond flowers, vu 2

Beautiful yellow aquatic plant flowers at the end of the pond

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day weekend by the Pond

Mother's Day has passed but the joy of living in
East Texas never gets old. We had the kids out for the
weekend and enjoyed the time outside and time
by the pond playing with our family dogs and
feeding our ever growing catfish. A huge downed tree
that fell long ago is a great playground for the
little dogs. They seem to have the imagination
of small children poking into all the crevasses
and looking excitedly for bugs or lizards.

Another view across the pond

Lily pads on the pond

The lily pads are all along the banks of the pond and
the Water Lilies are in full bloom